Store | Ship
Site: Sparks, NV

Storeship is a speculative autonomous trucking distribution centered on the idea of a future of perpetual motion. The world of trucking is on the cusp of massive change. Currently the movement of goods via long haul trucking is limited by the human. The driver needs to eat, sleep and stop the truck, and labor laws prohibit them from driving longer than 10 hours per day. This potentially limits their range to 600 miles a day. Without the human, the truck has a range of 840 miles per day. Making all cross country shipping possible within 3 days.

Two technology advances have already been made in semi truck technology. The electric Tesla semi, projected to charge in 15 minutes and the autonomous semi that, despite numerous claims that the technology has years to catch up, it is already being deployed between LA and El Paso.

In this future of post energy scarcity and autonomous trucking the truck stop is no longer needed for drivers to rest. The Storeship is an infrastructural interchange where goods are stored on a new typology of shipping container, delaminate from the truck, are sorted by the autonomous system and jettisoned back while the truck slowly charges at 15mph. The structure is lifted off the ground, freeing the distribution center of the monstrous footprint of its ancestors and allowing it to become a part of a deployable typology for many landscapes and traffic conditions. Inspired by desert art, this projects attempts to transform a mundane infrastructure into something plastic.